Monday, April 28, 2008


There is something about penning down your feelings on the blog. It's like the whole world can read what you think and still they can't find who it is. It's like having a double life.It's complete uninterrupted freedom. It's like being famous.You can just simply bullshit your way through and nobody can really do anthing about it unless of course you blog about your boss and he ,of all the things he has to do, decides to sit and read through some blogs and stumbles upon yours.
Then your life could get more interesting the next day at work .
It's just too tempting to share what you feel on the net knowing that people will read it and will comment on it and we all wait for those comments to pop up. Some don't care about the comments while others eagelrly wait for one to come up. Some just blog because they are bored, or simply because they just want to. Some do it to let others know what they feel. A blog is like an online diary.Everyone has access to it. Everyone sees itreads it and leaves their comments.So everyone knows what you are thinking and start judging you. Sometime they judge you right sometimes they don't.Not that i have some experience in this. But this is how just humans are aren't we?
I used to maintain a diary back in school. I used to write in it everyday. But then i felt things were better in my head than the diary. I used to write in it only when something really disturbing came along when i felt it was better of my head than in it. I still have that diary. I still write in it when somethingcomes up which keeps me disturbed. And it has come to my rescue a lot many times since i started writing in it. I prefer to keep everything i feel tomyself and when i want to speak to someone about some pressing issue the diary has always been there. It's like talking to a friend and at the same timeit doesn't go anywhere beyond where i want it to go. I like it when i start thinking about something -disturbing or not disturbing. It just keeps playing aroundin my mind and if what i think all came true we would be on another planet far away from this one wondering what a fool human are or heaving a sigh of relief for we just managed to escape from the sun before it exploded. I don't know why but i can't pen down original feelings on the blog. I haven't writteneverything i wanted to in this one, i know it but i don't want to. My diary is what i prefer to this. Since i started to blog by wondering what to write it is only
correct i end it neatly. That's why i thought i should blog one last time. And this is it. MY LAST ONE.
But i will always enjoy commenting.So others keep blogging.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Clearing it out

I realised just some time back that i wasn't sure what i believed in.My views about various things were all not clear. When people asked me what i thought about that particular topic i wasn't sure i knew though i acted like i did.
One of the views about which my mind was in conflict was about destiny. I thought i believed in destiny all time along when poeple asked me about it. Actually all the way long i didn't believe in it.I just agreed that i believed in it because most of the time people around me believed in it and i didn't want to be the odd one out. It's time i stand up for myself.
The dictionary says destiny means fate which means a supposed power predetermining events. I believe in god so he has already predetermined things that will happen. So whatever you finally end up doing is what would have happened even if you had something to do about it.If one was supposed to sit quiet and do nothing that's his destiny and if someone was to do something that's his destiny.There's nothing like changing one's destiny.whatever is supposed to happen will happen no matter what.If one says he had a part in saving somebody's life or he made in change in the other person's destiny he only did what was supposed to happen. He had no role in the course of events. He was just instrumental in helping realise an event already predetermined by the ultimate power.
After writing this much i realised more than i not believing in destiny i don't believe in the idea of changing one's destiny.
Correct me if my views contradict..